Eurostat: EU27-Iran foreign trade in January to November 2024 generated 4,152 million Euro (-3%). The 27 EU coun­tries ex­por­ted goods worth € 3,379 million Euro (-4%) to Iran and impor­ted goods worth 773 million Euro (+5%). Ger­­many was the most important EU trade partner of Iran, with a trade volume of 1,357 million Euro, followed by Italy (682 million Euro) and the Ne­therlands (563 mil­li­on Euro).

The European Union (EU27) export of goods to Iran in the first eleven month of the year 2024 stood at 3,379 mil­lion Euro, that is 4% less compared to January till November 2023. Accor­ding to the latest data by Eurostat, the sta­­tis­tical office of the European Union, 34% of the EU exports to Iran came from Germany that de­livered goods worth 1162 million Euro, that was 7% more than in the first eleven month of the year 2023. Second (15%) were the Netherlands with exports worth 505 million Euro (+1%) fol­lowed by Italy (478million Euro, -11%), Belgium (270 million Euro, -1%) and France (234 million Euro, -8%).

From January to November 2024 the 27 EU countries imported goods worth 773 million Euro from Iran (+5%). Most of the Ira­nian exports to the European Union (25%) went to Germany, which im­ported goods worth 195 million Euro from Iran (-8%) followed by Italy (177 million Euro, +24%) and Spain (75 million Euro, 1%). 
