Eurostat: EU27-Iran foreign trade in the year 2024 generated 4,541 million Euro (-4%). The 27 EU countries exported goods worth € 3,708 million Euro (-6%) to Iran and imported goods worth 833 million Euro (+4%). Germany was the most important EU trade partner of Iran, with a trade volume of 1,488 million Euro, followed by Italy (713 million Euro) and the Netherlands (608 million Euro).
The European Union (EU27) export of goods to Iran in the year 2024 stood at 3,708 million Euro, that is 6% less compared to the year 2023. According to the latest data by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, 34% of the EU exports to Iran came from Germany that delivered goods worth 1,277 million Euro, that was 6% more than in the year 2023. Second (15%) were the Netherlands with exports worth 546 million Euro (0%) followed by Italy (528million Euro, -12%), Belgium (294 million Euro, -3%) and France (255 million Euro, -9%).
In the year 2024 the 27 EU countries imported goods worth 833 million Euro from Iran (+4%). Most of the Iranian exports to the European Union (25%) went to Germany, which imported goods worth 211 million Euro from Iran (-10%) followed by Italy (185 million Euro, +23%) and Spain (88 million Euro, 7%).